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From Single Family Lets to Development Finance, The Commercial Mortgage Practice has the answer for you.

The Commercial Mortgage Practice understands that as an investor developing your portfolio is paramount.


Any one can organise mortgages but with lending criteria as it is you can soon get yourself into a position of stalemate. This is where The Commercial Mortgage Practice can help. Firstly you need to establish where you are currently placed, from a personal and business point of view, work out what sector or sectors of the market place you want to pursue and assess your financial ability.


When putting together your business strategy you need to be aware of the following:​


  • How easy can you as a person or business, access funding in your current circumstances.

  • What experience you need for the different sectors of the buy to let or commercial market from a lending point of view​

  • We can help you create your business plan accordingly which will enable us to produce a funding strategy to mirror image your requirements


Funding is not all about rate (albeit important), it is more about your circumstances, and the lending criteria.


The Commercial Mortgage Practice funds from a range of lenders old and new, which allows us to have a more hands on approach to the underwriting of cases. Scorecard lending is a valuable source of funding but is by no means the be all and end all. Bearing in mind that since 2008 (the financial crash) many good property investors have been tainted with its effect, this does not rule them out from moving their business forward. High Street lenders very rarely understand the self employed market place and how financially it works. The correct presentation of such cases is essential.


You need to be aware of the tax changes and how this can affect you if you have an existing portfolio. 


Taking into consideration these factors there is no reason why you should not be able to proceed with a very successful property business.

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